Charities are vital to the delivery of the government's missions, but financial constraints are often a significant barrier to how much they can help grow the economy, create opportunities for young people, or reduce crime. In a difficult financial environment, the new government must act creatively to improve charity incomes. Increasing philanthropic giving presents a significant, and as-yet under-utilised, opportunity to address this gap.

Many wealthy people already give to charities, but many have the potential to give more and are interested in how to give more effectively, to have the greatest impact.

At this event, Pro Bono Economics will share a new report examining:

  • The scale of the prize if wealthy Britons gave as much as they say they could afford to.
  • How a simple change by the FCA and government could unlock significant amounts of giving.
  • The causes that would benefit the most if wealthy Britons could be persuaded to give more money, more effectively.

Join this upcoming webinar to hear how better philanthropic advice could increase levels of philanthropic giving and what policy change would be needed from the government to make this a reality. Learn how this would directly benefit charities by helping them to raise more income, fund vital services and help those in society who are most in need.

Discussion chaired by: Fozia Irfan, Director of Children and Young People, Children in Need

Speakers will include:

  • George King, Senior Wealth Manager, MASECO Private Wealth
  • Lauren Gupta, Empowering young people, funding the environment and increasing investment into social enterprise
  • Nicole Sykes, Director of Policy and Communications, Pro Bono Economics
  • Rachel Calderon, Deputy Director of Fundraising, Blood Cancer UK

Booking for this event has now closed.