Every Child a Reader is an initiative developed by the KPMG Foundation, to expand the provision of Reading Recovery in the UK. A well-researched and widely-implemented early intervention programme, Reading Recovery exists to help the lowest attaining children aged five to six learn to read. 

The KPMG Foundation approached Pro Bono Economics to assess the economic impact of the Reading Recovery programme from 2005/6 to 2016/17, building on recent research by Professor Jane Hurry of the UCL Institute of Education. The report estimates potential economic benefits of the programme to UK society as between £940 million and £1.2 billion, or up to £12,100 per child receiving support against costs of £2800. In other words, each £1 spent on the programme could result in potential societal benefits of between £3.30 and £4.30. The report is available to download below.

Assessing the impact of the Reading Recovery programme

5th December 2018