Data First Aid Struggling to make your volunteer or budgeting spreadsheets do what you want them to? Need an expert to look at demographic data or analyse the need of your service users? Know you have great data but not sure how to make it visually appealing or tell the right story? PBE can provide charities with pro bono support from a dedicated volunteer economist to help them with their ad hoc data needs. That might include data analysis or visualisation, spreadsheet tasks or short pieces of research. How does it work? Step 1: Tell us your data request by filling out our submission form Step 2: If PBE can help you, the team will work with you to develop a short volunteer brief, describing what you need and what the objectives are. Step 3: PBE will upload your brief on its website and publicise it to over 800 volunteer economists, and match you with the best economist available. Step 4: The economist will work directly with you to fulfil your needs. How much support can my charity request? Charities can receive approximately 1-5 days over a period of up to 5 months. Can my charity receive support? Any charity, community group or social enterprise with a presence in the UK can apply for the help of PBE’s volunteer economists in this way. What have other charities said about PBE’s Data First Aid programme? It was a quick and easy process, and we got high quality help with thoughtful and generous interactions. It was a pleasure to work with all involved. I really appreciated how quick and easy the whole process was and the level of our consultant, who was really amazing. He was very insightful and did a wonderful job in a really short space of time. The charity has used this research in many ways including funding bids and policy work. I would like to thank him for his time and expertise and also the PBE team for their generous help. - Our Time, charity working with young people affected by parental mental illness The process of setting up the project was extremely easy and quick. [PBE Chief Economist] Jon and [volunteer] Tom were both a pleasure to deal with - extremely thoughtful, efficient and helpful. And Tom was very responsive to our questions and suggestions when the project was underway. We were very pleased with the piece of work and it was a core part of our CSR submission. - Local Trust, charity working to empower local communities across England Everything our volunteer has provided has allowed us to operate more efficiently and effectively - with improved budget-tracking, project allocation and scenario-planning, allowing us to more quickly respond to funding requests. [Our volunteer] Genna has offered fantastic support, working with us flexibly to get the result we needed to create the right approach for our charity at this time.”. -AccessEd, charity supporting disadvantaged young people to reach university We had help from an enthusiastic volunteer who was responsive and thoughtful. He looked at things from a fresh perspective. [Our volunteer] Hammad clearly gave a lot of thought to the brief, and actually added to what we have asked. He's still doing a bit more work for us (over and above the original brief), and we have already started to implement some changes with spend following the brief. -Governors for Schools, national education charity that finds, places and supports volunteers as governors at schools ❮ ❯ Make a Data First Aid request Manage Cookie Preferences