In response to today’s release of ONS Labour Market Statistics, Anoushka Kenley, Research and Policy Director at Pro Bono Economics, said: 

“The buoyant revival of the labour market since the pandemic continues apace, boasting more than a million vacancies for a second month running. Promisingly, there are now just 1.6 unemployed people for every vacancy - a rate not seen since before the pandemic, and down from a peak of 4.1 in June 2020. 

“But this recovery continues to leave many behind. The number of people who have been unemployed for more than six months is now 191,000 up on pre-pandemic levels. This includes 20,000 young people, while disabled and ethnic minority job seekers are also likely to face significant challenges. 

“Charities are an essential part of the solution to the difficulty businesses now face, finding people to fill the swell of vacancies. There are hundreds of specialist charities helping people who have been out of work for extended periods find the right jobs. Working with these charities at this crucial time should be on every business' agenda and a focus for the government.” 

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