A roadmap to evaluation for NCDA Download this report Newhaven Community Development Association (NCDA) supports the community of the Newhaven area through providing a range of services and community action activities. The charity was seeking an economic evaluation of their services and we found a team of economists from the nearby University of Sussex to take on the project: Michael Barrow, Julie Litchfield and Andrew Newell. The team focused their analysis on a subset of activities where there was most data to work with: NCDA’s nursery service, their family learning programme and their youth service and looked at research evidence from similar activities elsewhere, such as pre-school programmes in the US. This initial analysis suggests that the programmes are likely to have a positive impact. The team have also suggested a variety of steps that NCDA could take to improve the quality and quantity of their data, in order to strengthen the case in the future. We are grateful to Michael Barrow, Julie Litchfield and Andrew Newell for lending their time and expertise to support NCDA. *Since we completed the project with NCDA, the charity has become Sussex Community Development Association (SCDA). 25th June 2014 Manage Cookie Preferences