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Newham New Deal Partnership (Newham NDP) is a service delivery charity working in Newham since 2004. The Good Neighbours Services (GNS) provide support to older people, people with dementia and those with disabilities in Newham, delivered by trained volunteers.

The charity came to Pro Bono Economics to ask for advice on their current data collection and to establish a framework from which they can measure the social and economic value of volunteering with Newham NDP. Newham NDP were particularly interested in understanding the economic and social benefits to the volunteers.

PBE matched Helen Dunn, who has been working as an independent economic consultant, to Newham NDP. The advice report provided some illustrative calculations of social and economic benefits using data from 2015 of GNS volunteer participation.

The project is to be used by the charity to review their volunteer administration and support requirements, to highlight the value of the volunteer role in skills development, work readiness and employment, and to develop an appropriately paid volunteer manager role for which they will seek funding.

“The advice has provided us with a good understanding of the issues in capturing volunteer involvement metrics and the confidence that we can now, as a small charity,  take this forward internally.”

Fiona Baird, CEO, Newham NDP


14th October 2016