An analysis of Chance UK's mentoring service Download this report Chance UK delivers one-to-one mentoring to primary school children with conduct difficulties. They aim to improve behaviour and thereby reduce the likelihood of criminal and anti-social behaviour in the long term. Chance UK approached PBE for support in understanding their impact. Over a long period we worked with the charity, looking at what information was available to allow analysis. Our economists were able to undertake a break-even analysis, which shows that the benefits would equal the costs of the programme if one in 42 children avoided the negative outcomes and costs associated with conduct problems, as a direct result of the intervention. The report also recommends a data collection exercise in order to assess the impacts of the programme compared to a control group. Read the full report, or an overview, below. Chance UK is committed to improving their understanding of the outcomes they achieve, and so have embarked on a randomised controlled trial (RCT) of their intervention, funded by the Big Lottery Fundand undertaken by the Social Research Unit at Dartington. Results are likely to be seen in approximately two years. We commend Chance UK for opening up their services to such scrutiny and, in doing so, setting such a great example in the sector. We wish to thank our economist volunteers – Dan Hodges and Helen Oginsky – for their hard work and dedication to this project. 27th November 2013 Manage Cookie Preferences