Have you read about our charity services?

We undergo an application process once a year where we carefully select a small number of charity projects to continue to develop our knowledge base. Outside of this process, there are times where we consider project support requests on an ad hoc basis, depending on current project commitments. If you would like to apply, please read the following information carefully.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for a project, an organisation would normally:

  • Be headquartered and deliver services to beneficiaries in the UK.
  • Be a charity or social enterprise.
  • Have a turnover of between £100k - £10 million.  (For larger organisations we may ask for a contribution towards core costs).
  • Have at least 2 months’ financial reserves (preferably 3 months).

Focus Areas

Projects we work on typically fall within our 4 focus areas of education, employment, mental health and poverty.

Project Types

Typically, our work falls into one of these 3 different categories, outlined below. For further information on these project types, please click here.

  • Advice: Deep dive review of an organisation's evidence base, providing recommendations for improvements and guidance on how to prepare for an economic analysis.
  • Analysis: Our Economic Analysis typically helps you to quantify the impact that your organisation or intervention is having on wider society in a robust way and compare it to the costs of delivery.
  • Advocacy: This project helps review the existing evidence to examine the scale of a national issue, such as the cost of low adult numeracy for National Numeracy. The evidence and arguments produced through a literature review or policy analysis can be used to support an organisation’s cause or as part of a campaign for change.

We are currently at full capacity and unfortunately not able to take on any new projects at this time. If you have any questions or would like to be notified when we next open the project application process, please email us at [email protected].