Helping House of St Barnabas to evaluate its Employment Preparation Programme The House of St Barnabas is a charity that helps London's homeless back into work, and a members' club right in the heart of Soho. The charity runs an Employment Academy, a 12-week Employment Preparation Programme (EPP), for individuals who have been affected by homelessness. These individuals are referred to HoSB by other organisations in the homelessness sector. House of St Barnabas approached Pro Bono Economics to undertake evaluation work to feed into a cost-benefit analysis of their 12-week employment programme. The support offered by PBE volunteers included advice on survey design and useful methodologies. We would like to thank Faheem Chowdhury and Kongkona Sarma from Atos Consulting and Emma Sadler and Michael Reda from the Department for Business Innovation and Skills for their work on this project. 7th November 2016 Manage Cookie Preferences