Making Every Adult Matter: evaluating MEAM's pilot projects Download this report It is estimated that there are 60,000 people across the country with complex multiple needs and exclusions, such as homelessness, substance abuse, contact with the criminal justice system and mental health issues. These people often do not receive appropriate support as the services that exist to address these needs do not consider the multiplicity of their problems. The Making Every Adult Matter coalition of charities has supported three pilot programmes to improve coordination of existing local services for this group. This study looked at 39 clients involved in the pilots and shows how the intervention affected their wellbeing and the changes in their service use as a result of engaging with the pilots. PBE matched economists from FTI Consulting and Compass Lexecon who worked with MEAM to establish appropriate data collection requirements for these pilot programmes, and who undertook the later analysis of the pilots nine months on. The data gathering will continue with a view to undertaking further analysis a year from now. We are grateful to the team at FTI Consulting and Compass Lexecon, particularly Tim Battrick, for his hard work throughout the process, and to Ollie Hilbery from the MEAM coalition who led this work from beginning to end. Find out about the MEAM coalition on their website. 18th June 2012 Manage Cookie Preferences