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In 2012 we published the results of Making Every Adult Matter’s pilot programmes for adults with multiple needs. These pilots aimed to improve coordination of existing local services to help individuals facing a combination of problems such as homelessness, substance misuse, mental health problems and interaction with criminal justice system.

The study showed that service use changed and improved over the course of the first year, and MEAM continued the pilots for a second year to gain insight into longer term outcomes and service use.

The findings at the end of year two show continued improvement in outcomes for nearly all clients, and a reduction in the total cost of service use.

You can read more about the study in the full report below.

We are delighted to have been part of this study, and congratulate MEAM for their commitment to understanding the longer-term outcomes of their interventions, which has yielded valuable data.

We are also grateful to FTI Consulting and Compass Lexecon for their support of the project and, most particularly, Tim Battrick, who has worked tirelessly from beginning to end.

Find out more about the MEAM coalition and their work on their website.

17th February 2014